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About us
     In 2001, the oncology county office separated administratively from the structure of St. Spiridon Hospital and became a medical unit with independent legal status and contract with the Health Insurance House of Iasi.
     In 2001 we started with 1 medical oncologist and 2 nurses.
     Now VICTORIA HOSPITAL has a hospital structure, with consulting rooms, outpatient treatment rooms, day hospital, permanent hospitalization and a closed circuit pharmacy.
VICTORIA HOSPITAL is an example of success in the privatization of health care.
We distinguish through:
Vointa = Will Power
Initiativa = Initiative
Colaborare = Colaboration
Tratamente moderne = Modern Treatments
Optimism = Optimism
Reusita = Success
Inovatie = Innovation
Atitudine = Attitude
→ Teamwork
→ European standards in our therapeutic aproach
→ Respect for our employees and partners
→ Maintaining an innovative spirit
→ An entrepreneurial culture
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